A winter's day in Feldkirch

Schattenburg Feldkirch im Winter

While the summer in Feldkirch is lively and full of bright colours and fragrances, when winter falls this medieval town takes on a more contemplative air. Nevertheless, in many ways discovering the city in the winter months offers the best conditions for an enjoyable group trip.

The day begins with a sumptuous breakfast in your chosen group hotel. Accompanied by an experienced Austria Guide, a tour of discovery begins through the narrow streets of this historic city. The local expert will lead the group in exploring the hidden corners and backyards of medieval Feldkirch. Additionally, a variety of themed tours offer entertaining alternatives, including entertaining tours whisking you back in time led by Hugo Earl of Montfort and his wife Mechthild, or Fuhrmann Gerold reporting on an historic journey to Milan.

Visitors to Feldkirch should definitely factor in some time to explore the town and look around its many shops and boutiques selling regional products. Your group can split up and come together again over a warm lunch at one of many recommended group restaurants in the centre, or local favourite Schützenhaus. Additionally, the restaurant in the Schattenburg castle serves a famously excellent schnitzel.

The short climb up to Schattenburg is certainly worth it. It is the jewel in Feldkirch’s crown and has watched over the city for more than 750 years. The lovingly renovated museum with its 18 rooms informs visitors of all that happened here in times gone by. This tour through the castle should definitely be concluded with a warm tea, mulled wine or punch and chestnuts in one of the most beautiful castle courtyards in Austria. 

As dusk slowly falls on the town and the lights come on, it’s high time to stop by the Christmas market. Feldkirch’s market is particularly famous for its beautiful scenery and varied shopping options. While in the historic centre, those with a nose for art and culture should definitely take a look at the gothic St. Nicholas Cathedral and the Johanniterkirche, which also host regular art exhibitions. 


Excursion length:
whole day

Suitable for:
individual visitors or groups  

Essential reservations for groups:  
City or speciality tours in Feldkirch
Visit to the Schattenburg museum, with or without guide
Lunch and tea break at Feldkirch establishments  

Beleuchtung Weihnachtsmarkt Feldkirch
Feldkirch im Winter, Konservatorium
Weihnachtsmarkt Feldkirch
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